Everything is Possible

"Are you sure Benson. I'm sure you can find a better job back at home. Come back Malaysia, forget the Australian PR. I'm sure a job in Malaysia is not as bad, it might not be the best paying salary of course, but it is a valuable working experience. Why not come back and try your luck, then later transfer to overseas and earn the same amount of experience ?", an anonymous person said to me.
"Sorry, I don't find any logic in going back and collecting low pays. I wanna try my luck here. We must all look at the long term plan and not the short term. The worst thing I would waste is my time, if I fail to do so. But, being in Australia is one chance. A path of hundreds of possibility to my life. I believe I need to take that chance. I don't want to be in a dream where everyone is chasing the same thing and same goals, where it can be practically be impossible if there is a mass of people who are applying that concept in the same field. If I stay in Aus, and work here, I would automatically gain international working experience. And still be able to go back Malaysia anytime.", replied me in a very confident manner.
"Well, its up to you. Its your life. Your decision. But, I don't think Aus would not even let you stand a chance.", an anonymous reply.
" I believe I can............!", confidently i replied.
Everything is possible my friend, nothing in the world is impossible. As long as there is a will, there is always a way. Why not take every opportunity that comes into your way, and make the best of it. Nothing is impossible. The first step to failure is to admit failure even before trying it. Why Why ? Why are people like that ?
Long ago, man never thought they would ever step out of the earth atmosphere, and alas man really did when the first man stepped onto the moon. Before this, I never thought I would even make it out to secondary 5. When I was young, I really had no faith nor confidence in what I do. Coz failure was a part that surrounded me at that time. As I grew in a different environment, I started to understand. I started to believe in my capabilities when I got the 1st place in school. I started to believe I can do anything when I conquered my no.1 nightmare, studying.
I hate studying. In a matter of fact, people always regard me in being very good at it. I hate it actually. But, how can a non-like study person be an oversea graduate today in one of the best Uni in Aust ? Well the answer was simple. I believe in myself. I have faith in everything I do. And most of all, believe that everything is possible, and do it till the end. Even if it kills me, i will still stick to this believe. This believe of possibility has taken me far and wide. With believe, I have seen all possibilities, and overcome an issue of being defeated. I never admit defeat until I really tried it. Everything is possible. Even if I cannot do it, I will learn to do it. I believe I have every skill I need to master anything. God has given me a brain to think, a body to act, and a soul to motivate.
Everything is possible. Follow the words of a person with wisdom and believe, and shun those who has low esteem and disbelieve in themselves. Thus I quote "The Four Level Of Wisdom"
"The man who knows and knows he knows is wise. Follow Him.
The man who knows and knows not he knows is asleep. Wake Him.
The man who knows not and knows he knows not is a student. Guide Him.
The man who knows not be knows not is a fool. Shun Him. "

Confidence is the best trait to own.
Where u are today and how u do right now is the best answer u have.
U are on ur own feet and living a life of ur own choice in a place where u are at ease.
Benson, u are doing well.
For all i can say, u are doing fine and u are on the right track.
Believe and be confident~!
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