SunShine Coast
2nd April 2005
12 Am- Midnight
Went out with my friends to have a couple of drink. We chatted for almost like a couple of hours before pursuing back to my humble abode. Mike, Bonnie, Lum, and Ivy was there. We talked about how much of a good time we could have if they all come visited me and Lum in Malaysia. I'm sure it will be a wonderous trip together if they come. They can always stay my place, anytime ! Very tiring but was indeed a good time.
3AM - After Midnight
Came back from our drinks, was a bit tired, and hesitated to online. Looking at the time, I knew I had to hit the sack before I wake up at 7 am again for the SunShine trip. ~ Blackedout ~
7 AM - Day Break
Dawn came. I had to wake up. I hear the alarm of my phone call out. As though it was the end of the world. I had to wake up. It was 7 am ! Alvin would be here by 7.50 AM. I kep telling myself, I had to wake up, if not I'll miss the trip. Thinking of all the fun I'm going to have and also the idea of not going to work that night, really sparked me up. I got up, took a bath, styled my hair, dressed up ~ And mwala ! A fresh Benson is born. I got ready and placed all brought along things in my bag, and I was on my way.... to SUNSHINE COAST !
7.50 AM - Alvin Came
Alvin came at approximately 7.50 AM to pick me up. I thought that they would all gather at my place before heading off, but it seems, I was the first one they picked up. I saw everyone there, as per normal, all suprised to see me in my act cool, strange outfit. Hahaha, well, what can I say, I just like to make a scene. Hahaha. ANyway, everyone greeted me a good morning, and off we went to SunShine Coast !!!
9.00 AM - Travel
When we were travelling, I notice one of the cars as a FTO !! I can't believe it. When I watched the car from behind, it reminds me of the Initial D yellow FTO car. And the best part of it was, the FTO driving on the road in front of me was yellow as well ! Can't believe it, it is as though I was in a race behind the FTO in the Initial D chapters. The worst and painful experience looking at the FTO was having the thought of not me inside riding the FTO. Hahaha, well, that's life. But it was sure a wonder and a first to see a 11 year old FTO in such a good condition.
(Just a note for those who do not know FTO, if you seen initial D, it is the yellow car, if you haven't seen it, FTO is just like style sports car - freakin cio !)
10.00 AM - Breakfast

We came to our first stop at a cliff near the green glass house area. It was a spectacular view. The hills were very unique, as though those in Ipoh. Too bad, not everyone is from Ipoh, or not, the hills will be all not too familiar to them all. We sat at a small place together and had our nice breakfast there. It was fun talking and meeting new people who we haven't met. It was always a great activity hanging out in tours as this ;). I kindda like it really.
12.00 PM - Lunch
Before we had lunch, we went to stop by a place near, well I don't know where. Somewhere I guess. They had a lot of small funny funny shops which I consider quiet cute. There were candle shops, chocolate shop, and also a game shop ! Browsing through the game shop, I realised I have found the game board of my dream ~ CashFlow ~. But it costs 345 AUD. Its very expensive, and I think I can afford to buy it :(. I wished I had that kind of money, but too bad I don't. Well, alls well, and ends well. We had our lunch as a picnic gathering beside the lake. Wonderful place ;) I love it !
4.00 PM - At The Beach

By 4 PM, we were already at the beach. Having fun, running around. Nevertheless, the one thing that pissed me off was that I didn't bring an extra clothes coz I wasn't inform that we were going to the beach -_-...................... so i couldn't have maximum fun. But still had fun ;). Unfortunately, in the process, I broke my glasses. It was a heartache. I couldn't see, I was blinded, and I hated it ! I hate being not able to see. It is as though, I have been teleported into another world. Everything seemed so blur to me. I really don't quiet get used to it. But I hadn't have a choice, I had to go on without my glasses.
6 PM - Hungry Jacks
By 6 pm, we were back at Taringa, Hungry Jacks. Most of us, had our dinner there. We had a lot of fun, and it was time for a great meal ! I took out all the vouchers I had, and shared them with all my friends ;). It was great meal. Paul said he would eat a double cheese burger in 2 bites, well, guess what, he didn't made it. Hahaha ! It was really a good try though, and Rayson did it in 2 bites with a smaller hamburger. Sorry guys, I didn't want to bring the issue up, but your performance all was really astonishingly funny. Even the guy next table were laughing at us. What can I say, we all had fun.
8.00 PM - Grace College
After a fun and filling dinner, we then went to Grace College to have some indoor sports fun. We played pool and table tennis. It was nice ;). I never thought I could practice pool until that night. I improved my skills for a bit, and I think I'm getting better at it. 3 Guys 4 girls competition you would say, but its not the winning that counts, it was having fun ;). It was a fun time, I even had a game of checkers there.
12 AM - The Next Day
Thanks to Rayson, I was back again at my lonely unit apartment. I smiled to myself and thank god for such a wonderful trip. Thanks for the wonderful experience. Even though, I broke my glasses, which by the way gonna cost me a bundle, but I wouldn't miss the experience for the world. As I slowly doze off to the middle of the silent night, in my heart I then pray and thank someone upthere for giving me a chance to experience all that I experience today. Wish you all a million thanks and a well good nite.
A diary blog from a Life of A Normal Guy, in sharing the experience to all out there who wishes to experience. Shall you all have faith in your own life, and thou shall you experience ~
2nd April 2005
12 Am- Midnight
Went out with my friends to have a couple of drink. We chatted for almost like a couple of hours before pursuing back to my humble abode. Mike, Bonnie, Lum, and Ivy was there. We talked about how much of a good time we could have if they all come visited me and Lum in Malaysia. I'm sure it will be a wonderous trip together if they come. They can always stay my place, anytime ! Very tiring but was indeed a good time.
3AM - After Midnight
Came back from our drinks, was a bit tired, and hesitated to online. Looking at the time, I knew I had to hit the sack before I wake up at 7 am again for the SunShine trip. ~ Blackedout ~
7 AM - Day Break
Dawn came. I had to wake up. I hear the alarm of my phone call out. As though it was the end of the world. I had to wake up. It was 7 am ! Alvin would be here by 7.50 AM. I kep telling myself, I had to wake up, if not I'll miss the trip. Thinking of all the fun I'm going to have and also the idea of not going to work that night, really sparked me up. I got up, took a bath, styled my hair, dressed up ~ And mwala ! A fresh Benson is born. I got ready and placed all brought along things in my bag, and I was on my way.... to SUNSHINE COAST !
7.50 AM - Alvin Came
Alvin came at approximately 7.50 AM to pick me up. I thought that they would all gather at my place before heading off, but it seems, I was the first one they picked up. I saw everyone there, as per normal, all suprised to see me in my act cool, strange outfit. Hahaha, well, what can I say, I just like to make a scene. Hahaha. ANyway, everyone greeted me a good morning, and off we went to SunShine Coast !!!
9.00 AM - Travel
When we were travelling, I notice one of the cars as a FTO !! I can't believe it. When I watched the car from behind, it reminds me of the Initial D yellow FTO car. And the best part of it was, the FTO driving on the road in front of me was yellow as well ! Can't believe it, it is as though I was in a race behind the FTO in the Initial D chapters. The worst and painful experience looking at the FTO was having the thought of not me inside riding the FTO. Hahaha, well, that's life. But it was sure a wonder and a first to see a 11 year old FTO in such a good condition.

(Just a note for those who do not know FTO, if you seen initial D, it is the yellow car, if you haven't seen it, FTO is just like style sports car - freakin cio !)
10.00 AM - Breakfast

We came to our first stop at a cliff near the green glass house area. It was a spectacular view. The hills were very unique, as though those in Ipoh. Too bad, not everyone is from Ipoh, or not, the hills will be all not too familiar to them all. We sat at a small place together and had our nice breakfast there. It was fun talking and meeting new people who we haven't met. It was always a great activity hanging out in tours as this ;). I kindda like it really.
12.00 PM - Lunch
Before we had lunch, we went to stop by a place near, well I don't know where. Somewhere I guess. They had a lot of small funny funny shops which I consider quiet cute. There were candle shops, chocolate shop, and also a game shop ! Browsing through the game shop, I realised I have found the game board of my dream ~ CashFlow ~. But it costs 345 AUD. Its very expensive, and I think I can afford to buy it :(. I wished I had that kind of money, but too bad I don't. Well, alls well, and ends well. We had our lunch as a picnic gathering beside the lake. Wonderful place ;) I love it !
4.00 PM - At The Beach

By 4 PM, we were already at the beach. Having fun, running around. Nevertheless, the one thing that pissed me off was that I didn't bring an extra clothes coz I wasn't inform that we were going to the beach -_-...................... so i couldn't have maximum fun. But still had fun ;). Unfortunately, in the process, I broke my glasses. It was a heartache. I couldn't see, I was blinded, and I hated it ! I hate being not able to see. It is as though, I have been teleported into another world. Everything seemed so blur to me. I really don't quiet get used to it. But I hadn't have a choice, I had to go on without my glasses.
6 PM - Hungry Jacks
By 6 pm, we were back at Taringa, Hungry Jacks. Most of us, had our dinner there. We had a lot of fun, and it was time for a great meal ! I took out all the vouchers I had, and shared them with all my friends ;). It was great meal. Paul said he would eat a double cheese burger in 2 bites, well, guess what, he didn't made it. Hahaha ! It was really a good try though, and Rayson did it in 2 bites with a smaller hamburger. Sorry guys, I didn't want to bring the issue up, but your performance all was really astonishingly funny. Even the guy next table were laughing at us. What can I say, we all had fun.
8.00 PM - Grace College
After a fun and filling dinner, we then went to Grace College to have some indoor sports fun. We played pool and table tennis. It was nice ;). I never thought I could practice pool until that night. I improved my skills for a bit, and I think I'm getting better at it. 3 Guys 4 girls competition you would say, but its not the winning that counts, it was having fun ;). It was a fun time, I even had a game of checkers there.
12 AM - The Next Day
Thanks to Rayson, I was back again at my lonely unit apartment. I smiled to myself and thank god for such a wonderful trip. Thanks for the wonderful experience. Even though, I broke my glasses, which by the way gonna cost me a bundle, but I wouldn't miss the experience for the world. As I slowly doze off to the middle of the silent night, in my heart I then pray and thank someone upthere for giving me a chance to experience all that I experience today. Wish you all a million thanks and a well good nite.
A diary blog from a Life of A Normal Guy, in sharing the experience to all out there who wishes to experience. Shall you all have faith in your own life, and thou shall you experience ~
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