Happy Mother's Day

In my younger days, I used to be less courageous and less adventurous. Ask anyone in my family, and they might think I might grow up to be wimp more or less. I never had any spirit or determination in doing anything. Nor did I excel in anything. I was hopeless. An under performing student in a lousy class in a lousy school. I was not notorious nor was I sociable. I was an outcast among everyone. A black sheep among the religious, a loner among society. At time, I felt as though people has given up one me. No one had any confidence in me. My father never had faith in the things I do, and never was I the brightest kid in class. Teachers from academic institutes to religious schools thought I was a no hope. I was hopeless.
It was not because I was lazy. It was not because I didn't want to do my best. It was because I couldn't. I have used all the capacity of my little left over brain and thrived for every inch of intelligence there is in there. Yet I still failed. And failed miserably I did. It stroke me worst, when I was told that regardless of my inability to do anything, it was in hope that I grow up to be a office clerk IF possible. I was devastated. I nearly did believe that I was hopeless and a goner.
I felt a sense of loneliness deep in me. A sense of dis-belonging in the world that I was in. I hated life. I hated everyone's guts and their judgmental perception of a person. Is a person destined to fail from the very beginning of each person's life ? One of the most saddest memories in life was when my father yelled at my mom and said that whatever I do in the future, he doesn't want anything to do with me. As a kid, hearing those words i felt as though I have lost one of my precious loved one in my life. My father was gone in my life. The only person I had was my mother.
My mother, being a sole housewife, she nurtured me and my sibling. Being un-successful in everything I do, she yet still supported me and nurtured me till the very end. It was very touching, as to nurture a failure such as me. Never giving up, and ever bringing me so up. I had no one to cling to in life but her. It was because of her, that I'm still here today as I am. Thank you mom for your ever lasting support and love. I don't think anyone of us couldn't have done it without you.
My mom is a very strong person. Regardless of her husband being overseas most of the time, she still kept the family as one. She nurtured us, brought to school, prepare food, tug us into sleep, and even made an effort to be there for us for every possible occasion. She never had a social life, and never had friends around her. She was always busy with house chores and at times busy with us and our homework. I can never imagine how 1 woman can last that long without her other half. Miraculously, she came through. Thus, she had replaced the lost loved one in my life. She has become the matriarch and patriarch of the family.
It was not long when I enter higher primary years that I started to realize that I can never let her down. I had something to show to everyone. To make my mother proud of something. I wanted the world to know, I'm not useless and that I was my mother's son. I psyched myself to succeed. I changed. I have an entirely different perception in life. I was partly corrupted with the harsh reality of life. I swore deep in me, that I will never ever give up. No matter what.
Being a helpless child then, I now have become some what top of my expectation. There were many roads to how I came this far, but I guess that is for another story and for another day. As this mother day comes by , I want to sincerely thank my mother for sacrificing her energy, time and strength in me. I hope that I have not disappointed her and that I will continue to make her proud, as I want the world to know, I am my mother's son...
Thank you mom for everything !
Your One and Only Son ~ Benson
A mother's love is unconditional and her sacrifices to her children are incomprehensible
~ A message from Life Of A Normal Guy to all mothers in the world~
A reply to my one and only son, Benson.
I was touched by your writing and the first few lines had me in tears!!
The tears flew down my cheek because it was the first time I had this revelation of a boy who was so insecure, lost all hope and feeling of being an outcast in his younger days.
Believe me ,it has never crossed my mind that you are suffering so much inside at this tender age. If I had known then I may have made some kind of reparation in your life at that time .
Life was never easy for me as a mother to all my 3 children. I have never taken the task of looking after all of you as a BURDEN , but as a duty to be fulfilled in this life.....as a mother should to her children....to love ,to care, to nurture and to guide them into beautiful adults !
Yes, the shouting match between me and your dad over you had also sadden me as it suddenly dawned on me that I am left ALONE to take over the parental responsibilty of you and the girls.
Did I shirk from this responsibilty ?
NO! I was more adamant that ever, that if I am running the show ALONE , I must not give up and I must show to your dad or others that I can bring enormous changes (positive) for all to see.
Fast forward , you are now a successful young man in you own right and I am very Happy that you have not led me down at all!
Today , thisis the first time I wrote on this blog , I want to say ....
Thank you for holding your head high for me. I am proud of you. You are truly a good son and and the 3 of you have been wonderful children > I couldnt ask for more as a mother!!
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