New Horizon ~ New Year

The Dawn of a New Year ~ 2011
Once again another year has past. Can't believe that it has been a year ago since I remember 2010 just arrived. When I was younger, I always looked forward to years passing as quick as possible as I wanted to get out of school. I didn't really realise nor appreciated the great times I had at school and how life now is passing by so quickly that I sometimes am hesitant to look forward to another year.
But life moves on. We work. We toil and we hope that maybe that one lucky lottery ticket would strike us a lifetime. Work life can be complicated. At times its not really the type of work, but rather the influence of people around you. It is hard to envisage a work environment without any social conflict in interest. Everyone has to watch their back and their interest. Who watches ours?
I never liked conflict, but seem to face them on a daily basis sometimes. It is the nature of my work I would have thought. Sometimes I am really sick of stuff, and really hope that I never had any financial issues to worry about. But life is like that, we all work hard, and toil long hours in the day, just to put food on the table and a roof over our heads and our families. Its a sad life at times. But what rights do I have to complain ? I am getting paid fairly for the work I'm doing. Compared to other more unlucky countries, my job life may be something to die for. I guess its the mentality that its always greener on the other side.
I am uncertain of the future or what to expect. All I can do is continue to ride this journey call life, and experience the pain, joy and indifference that life has to offer. I hope that the future me reading this one day, would look back and reminiscent the good ole' days before.
To the future me, well done to have survived so far and I hope that you are living in an even better life to what I experience today :)
A message from Life of a Normal Guy:
Remember your past, learn from your mistakes, and look forward to the future.
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