
Love, a very complicated, yet most wanted hear issue by most people of today. What is love ? How do you see yourself loving someone. How would you judge how deep a love is ? Is it deeper than the bottomless ocean, or further than the everlasting universe ? A person who knows love is a person who cant really explain how love is. Love is not a word or something that comes out from our head but rather an expression of the heart to another. Expressions that are hard to explain. Something so sacred yet bewildering and sensitive to some, love is considered the ultimate experience in life.. I for one, never gave up on love. Love hurted me a lot of time in some years of my 23 yearly life. Walks of life that one should always treasure, and never forget. Thou, I will not reveal all sad memoirs in this passage as some things are better to be left alone and healed by time,I yet still will narate a sort of story that one might be interested to hear. This is the story of B and C.
It was a cold evening night, the steps of silence ran through B's mind in the hall that was ever so chilling. So dull, so meaningless. "Why oh why, do thy have to come. Why oh why", shouted in his mind. B never liked coming to the grounds of education. It was a hectic yet tiring place to be. Down the hall way as B walked, grined in disgust at the door at the end of the path. A slight push without a beep, and there B saw the most inspired yet attractive thing he shall ever see. It was C.
Never would have B thought that the transcendent of such an angel would brighten up the gloomy environment fill with stress and work. B never laid his eyes off C. Nevertheless, shy as B may be, B once pledge to dedicate his limited time to the performance of work and studies, and not invest on another person's heart. B, sitting down from a far, started his work. Soon later, destiny was meant to be, when the acquaintance of B introduced C to him. C heard of the name B. From all his kindness to naugti-ness, was B the popular one in her ? B never knew, but was ever so attracted yet surprised to hear those words from her. A week later, B and C got closer by the day talking on phones and frequent visits. B had already fell for this girl. B wasn't the type who trust love at first sight, but believed it was the feel at that moment.
However, B knew C had someone else in her heart. Depressed in a very complicated way, B didn't really made any progress but worsen the relationship they had. B was an idiot. He was good with people, yet did faults to someone he actually liked a lot. C was on a verge of breaking hearts shall thou thy apart. B never took advantage of it, instead B supported C. Hoping for the best and was always with her if possible.
B did a lot of stupid things that one may think for C, even before they got acquainted as one. B without a vehicle, once bought a warm bowl of porridge for C. It was not much but it was all B could do to make C her day. The funny thing was, B never thought of how he was going to get back after delivery. B nearly walked that night..... that cold cold lonely night. All for the sake of C's porridge, which worthed B's every while. B even walked all the way around city to find the lovable tickets that C wanted to so much. Without hesitation, B did all for her. Why you might ask, it is probably becoz B has fallen for her.
Kept in secrets in between them and others, no one knew B's movement in life. Nor his best friends or pals suspected B. Everything was going great. Nevertheless, every wonderful story would always come to a pause. B was on C. But C could never let go of what was used to be hers. B couldn't help but listen and then dread in pain, as the worst misses in the world would be missing someone beside you and knowing that you will never get them. "Oh, how cruel of a life this would be"
B realised that C needed time. A lot more time. B was not the person for her then. B was never meant to replaced the irreplacable then.B paused. Drove himself out of the fantasy he was in and back to reality. Time passed, C seldom heard from B anymore. Until that particular moon cake festival day. B saw the bright moon light, sitting alone in Guyatt Park, he suddenly thought of C. C was never forgotten, but was always on B's mind. But B was a fool, and was discouraged by the acts of C. But on that bright big moon light. B suddenly was urged by the presence of a soul. B knew he had to message C. B knewhis phone was empty, and sighed in vain. But then he tried anyway, saying the last few words before departure and good byes, he messaged her.... Whether the message was sent through or not, B didn't dare to know. All he know was that he sent it to her, and let faith of destiny decide. C didn't reply.
On the night before C departed, C received a message from B. It was the message that B sent that night few weeks ago. C was puzzled at first but then was amazed, as the message just reached her just before she left. I guess, destiny didn't want B and C to depart withouth saying a good bye. On the day where bygons shall be bygons and sadness rains on saying good bye, C called B out for one last time. It was a memoriable time. And it was that time and message that B and C started out. Nevertheless, C was still bottomless in feelings for the past, and B understood it well, thus B never made a move and said their goodbyes.
Now, in the presence of distant and obstacles, funny enough, a full bloom relationship was developed between B and C. How did it happen, well, that's something you have to ask B and C personally. But all goes to one word, love.
The power of love was so strong, that it attracted two individual apart from each other to even develop a stronger relationship than those aside. The love was strong then but have no guarantees it will be strong in the future. Still B and C gave each other a chance. A go in life, to be together in the future and forever more. B never regretted what he has done. C doesn't too. Neither does. B and C believed that as two hearts in love comes together, everything is possible in a lifetime. Just for the record, the number of times broken up issues were raised in the past months was enormous. Obstacles came and go, yet B and C still stands.
Doubt it as you may. Some people might not tend to believe. Some say, its hard enough to maintain a relationship by long distant, what more is it far complicated to develop one with the darn distant? Its hard to believe yes, but it did happened. B and C met up in holidays and were one ever since. The future is undetermined, both bother not, but continue loving each other as the there is no future tommorow.
I see it as love, do you ?
It does not take long to give up on hurt, but a lot to start to love
~ A message from Life Of A Normal Guy to all couples in love~