Friday, October 19, 2007

The Birth of Life

Ever wondered what life is all about ?

I would always ponder to myself, and ask the question, " Why are we here ? For what purpose?"...
I could never figure it out. But recently I realize a truth about life and I start to see what's life's all about.

Life, a very fragile thing. Easily diminished, easily reborn, but can never be restored. If one realizes, we only do have only one life to live. In this life we go through stages of youth, and age, and experience that teaches us what life is really about. Every journey that we set in life, has an outcome of results. Be it ended with tears of sadness or smiles of happiness, one can expect to go through a series of chapters in their life that they cannot miss. Its like watching a movie really, but us as the main actors projected in life.

Today is my very special someone's birth day. And as I go through the day, I kept thinking how meaningful this day is to me. Without this historical day, my special someone will never had been born, and will never had I met this special person in my life. She changed my life drastically and guide me to be a better person. She pours a certain affection of love, that sooths my heart, and a certain beauty and cuteness that sips into my love. She is my wife.

When I was in my teenage years, I always thought, there is no difference on whether a person lived or died as it had nothing to do with me. But soon I realize, the presence of a single person can change the world. The presence of a single parent can make a difference to a child, the presence of siblings will help nurture one's personality and solitude view, the presence of president could have lead a country to disaster or peace, and ultimately, the presence of a very special someone in life, can make our lives more meaningful and desirable. That is how precious a person's life is. One life can make a difference, may it be significant for all or some, it still would make a difference to the life of others.

Life is not only to be lead in solitude. A young life will be showered by the love of one's parents, a teenage life will be accompanied by the love of their friends, a couple life will be sharing a love between one another, a parents life will then shower their love to their children and the aging life will be gratifying repaid in love by their children. That is the cycle of life. And that's what life is really about. Its all about experiencing, and growing to learn to be a person in this world. Understand what one's presence could mean for another. If there were no one around, there wouldn't be children to lead the future. If there were no life on earth, it would make no difference to other dead planets around us.

So our lives do make a different. And as individuals of these world, lets us make a difference around us. Let us learn the good and bad, and help those around us. Coz it is the proof of our existence. It is our legacy to leave a name, a good will, a treasured memory to another to so that our lives do a have a meaning in them. Learn from the mistakes and act to benefit not only oneself, but also to others.

Life is beautiful, whether it goes through times of tears and sadness or joy and laughter. Enjoy life as it is, and cherish it every moment through time :)

Peace !


The Road I Have Traveled

© By Regina J. Broker

The road I have Traveled.
Bridges I have crossed.
I've gone the extra mile,
I've come to many stops.
I had a few road blocks,
toward what I thought,
could be the end.
But had to be brought back
a mile or two again.
So when closure comes,
I do know what it will mean.
I'll finally have peace of mind,
I'll be able to feel,think, and breathe
I probably won't believe it.
I'll think it is all a dream.
And although the journey will have ended.
I'll never forget What I've learned along the way,
or how I learned to take it day by day.

~ A message from Life of a Normal Guy to those who cherish life ~


Sunday, October 14, 2007


One should ask oneself. How often does one pray?
Better still, what does one pray for ?

Throughout all life, people only pray for the things they want. The heed to achieve something in life, yet it seems impossible as an individual that they turn their heads to the one cosmic believe in life, God.

How does one see prayer ? Does a prayer ever get heard by god? Does every prayer get answered in life? One mystery that will never be solved.

Recently I viewed a movie that really touched the meaning of meaningfulness. In that show, the question was asked, " How does God answer a prayer?". I learnt something about a prayer from that movie. The ultimate truth is that God doesn't let any prayer go unanswered. Its just so that it comes in a form that we don't recognize. When a prayer seem to be unanswered, look back and look again. God never answer prayer's of miracles, but rather a more realistic prayer in life. God only helps those who helps themselves. Thus, how does a prayer help, one my ponder...

The truth is, God hears every prayer and gives an opportunity for every one of us to pick up that opportunity. He does not realise a dream through miracles but rather produce a chance, an opportunity for people like us to be able to pursue our dreams and desire. Nothing is impossible, and everything is possible, if you put your heart into it.

I realise that this is true as all my years of living and chasing a dream, nothing seems to come directly to us. It has to be done in some form of hardwork, and given opportunity for something to happen. And that's what a prayer does. When we pray, it does not mean that god will give us that something, but rather, he opens up a window of opportunity to us to try and achieve it. Thus the real meaning of a prayer.

By far, " God only help those who help themselves". Nothing in life comes by chance. All opportunities are given, and how we see those opportunities depends really on how we work towards it. Some might think how miserable one's life can be, or always dread to be better off but one could have never took any initiative to change how things were and expect god to drop a bomb shell in their life. It just doesn't work that way. Controversial for some, but realistic for all.

If you have a prayer or desire, don't be afraid to go after it. A simple prayer from the heart is what you need to start achieving your dream. A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step. Thus start by praying, and work hard to achieve what you desire. Coz there is nothing more in life to be happy about then being able to go towards something we are looking for in life. May it be a dream or a vision, continue to pray, and the doors of opportunity will come to you :)


~ God answers all prayer through the doors of opportunities that are abundance in this world ~

A message from Life of A Normal Guy to people out there. Keep up your dreams and never give up!
