
What is our destiny ?
Are we humans destined for greater things ?
Or are we just destined to live and die ?
I was watching a documentary regarding the galaxy and the outer solar system. It is amazing what is out there. The world we live in is nothing in comparison to what is out there. The knowledge we humans possess; logic and science can never explain the wonderful phenomenons that happens out of this little microscopic world of ours.
Super novas, Mega novas, and ultra novas, where a beam of light would just exist out of no where in space, creating light that is unexplainable. With all of our understandings of the world, one can never explain what causes all these. In the greater measures of things, we are only a speck of micro-organism as compared to the vast galaxy out there. The documentary is unbelievable. It is something that made me realize that life is boundless. So many possibilities, so many knowledge. Do we really understand what we are here for ?
We make decisions everyday. We feel different emotions. We live and we die. Are we just bounded by these ?or are we destined to live and die ?
Watching that documentary, I realize now that there are more beautiful and meaningful things in life than just ours. It is the nature of life. The beauty of life itself. I often feel thankful to be living, experiencing and learning about all these magnificent phenomenons. Life is short. A mere 100 years plus is nothing to compared to the amount of light years distant it is to the end of the galaxy. We are only here a short time to experience love, sadness, anger, happiness, and ultimately, peace. We should grasp hold of these experience, to so when we have our last breaths of life, we turn back the memories and say, " I will always remember.", "I will never forget the day I fell in love.", " I will always remember my parents sweat and tears.", and "I never regretted living life.".
Since young, I always looked upon the stars above, and thought what was beyond these sheets of skies. Is it just a vast of empty spaces or is there where god lies ? Now thinking about it, god does exist. He exist within us, beyond us, around us. He is everything that we experience visually, autistic-ally, emotionally, and mentally. We have to appreciate the creation of his, and learn to admire the beauty that he created. Life is one of them, so therefore don't forgo it. Learn from it, understand it,... live it.
The moment I one day take my last breath, I believe god will take me to the end of the universe. To experience the beauty at the end of the galaxy. Fulfilling my life experience with a simple beauty of phenomenon light that is undiscovered by mankind. I will see it one day. And till that day, I will appreciate every moment of life. Preparing for it.
I love life. Bad or good. I love the life that is given to me. I enjoy it. I dread it. But ultimately I love it. Time passes, we should waste no time living it. Live life, enjoy and die. No regrets and embrace our destiny. Good or bad, it is we who makes it.
Life is interestingly enough that, although we are destined to come to an end one day, we can change our fates to how we go through it. Remember, we can lead life happily or we can lead a dreadful life, ultimately we will come to pass of our lives. So why not live happily and leave no regrets. Wouldn't that be the perfect ending ?
Wouldn't it ?
A message from Life of a Normal Guy:
Live life with no regrets. Appreciate it. Love it. Experience it.