Heaven and Hell
Life and Death

What is life without death ? And what is death without life ? For every life lost, they is always a new life born. When the dead is sent away, a new baby is born and delivered on that very day as well. I read lots of books and also articles about life and death. Ever since I was a kid, I was always curious to what life have to offer, and why death is imminent to all. I always wondered what is the purpose of life as we will die one day. My mother as a dedicated buddisht told me the words of the buddha about life and death. What I knew didn't aligned much with what it was said or preached to me. I had a new mentality, a new idea. I had a new vision and perspective towards life.
People of all walks of life comes and knocks on my question door of life. " Benson, how do you see life ? ". A word I can represent life, "Beautiful". Life has been and always beautiful. The interesting part about life is not what it is all about, but more the experience to go through about. In buddhism, the aim in life for those who believe in them are usually trying to reach enllightenment or nirvana, where they will reach a stage where they will not feel anything. No remorse, no pain, no happiness, just absolute nothingness. I feel sorry for those who want to go through that kind of life. To me, experiencing pain, love, happiness, sorrow, is all about life. Without it, there is no meaning to life. How can one know happiness when one has not taste sadness. And life gives all of that. A package to feel all. To know and differentiate everything. When you start to know, you will enjoy life overall.
And as I continue on, some would ask me, what about death. " Aren't you afraid of death ?" some might ask. To me, death is nothing more than a transition of consciousness from one being to another. The physical body will die, but the spirit and soul inside me will always remain forever. I admit, I too am afraid of death, but not because I'm afraid of dying, but afraid of not be able to see anymore what the world has to offer in terms of experience. There is so much to life. Don't be confined to only certain things in life, be more active, get out and experience it. The love, the joy, the happiness, the good and also the bad of all things in life. Thus only then we will learn. To learn what is right and wrong in our context of understanding towards the meaning of life. Some of my friends found meanings through God. Some found the meaning through families. Some even through their work. All are satisfied, all are convinced that there is more to life than there it is to expect. For me, I'm the architect who likes to observe how life goes. A true meaning of life for me is to understand how life works. How the mind takes place in decisions. How emotions changes things. How believe becomes the foundation of all man. And I continue on pursuing these knowledge by living it day by day. No regrets, no thinking twice. As I know who I am and what I need to do. We can never know everything in one lifetime, as a wise person will not say he the wise and perfect, yet would declare himself still as a student of life.I wish to be that student. Wise I do not declare myself to be, but determined to know I can say I am.
Heaven And Hell

Then words of angels and devils would later fall upon me. Thus people would ask, " Aren't you afraid of going to hell ?". As I looked into their eyes, I tell them, " Thy shall I be thrown to hell becoz of my actions, so do so, as I believe only Satan would do such. But believing, I, in a loving God, he will always love and forgive, as it is said, to err is human, to forgive is divine. And if God is seated at the highest level of divinity, HE shall forgive and bring me to heaven as well." Well hypotethically speaking of course. The words and experession I used above may sound harsh, thus unagreeable to some, but the context to the meaning is completely different. To me, heaven and hell is right here, right now. As humans, we are meant to experience. Heaven and Hell is located right here where the world stands and exists. It is hidden in another dimension called the fourth dimension. Now, where is this 4th dimension some might ask? Some might start thinking of like sci-fiction stuff where we can warp into another dimension and stuff, but no. The fourth dimension I'm talking about exist from within us. Ask yourself, when is your most happiest moment in life ? The day of your graduation ? The baptism of yourself ? The day you met you BF/GF ? The moment you got your first job ? Well, which of this at it may be, remember that feeling. As when you were experiencing that feeling, you are in heaven already. This happiness at that particular moment cannot be replaced by any other feeling in the world at that particular time. Think about it. And when is hell you might ask ? Well, everyone should be clear on this. As it will be your saddest moment in life, where you feel like dying and just felt like the world is never with you. At your most down moment, your in hell. Coz I personally think that psychological or mental torture is even worst than any physical torture the world can offer.
To those born in worlds of wars and guns, a lot would see their life as living hell. Compared to some people who are born with the golden spoon in their mouth from the beginning of time, their lifes are just as in heaven. So think about it, heaven and hell is here. Right here on earth. But you see, how you put yourself in heaven and hell all depends on how u take life. If you appreciate life and enjoy every waking moment of it, then your days of heaven is always there for you to count. If you are pessismistic about life, then life is always a hell for you. Don't this explain the meaning of heaven and hell :) I hope it does, nevertheless, not everyone can graps this concept as it clearly doesn't alligned with any believe out there in the world. New age some might say ? Well frankly speaking, I have thought about all this before the new age subject came out to my sense of knowledge.
The Beginning and The End

The beginning of all. The birth of life. Some believe in Darwins' theory. Some believe in Adam and Eve. Some believe in ALIENS even !! Well, to me, I dont' find any worth knowing. I have lots of idea on the begining and i can tell u a whole night stories about them, but it doesn't really matter. Coz to me, what is important is now. I don't have keen interest in history, and frankly speaking, i suck at it !. I can never comprehend how learning from the dead can ever be a lesson in school. Historians and also school teachers would tell you to always learn from the past. When my history teacher was talking about the hitler's army wave of invasion. She would tell us not to learn from Hitler. I did tell my teacher once, and said, " If I were Adolf Hitler now, I would have done the same, thus leading my name to history." Now ask yourself, if you were adolf hitler would you have done the same ? Or any politican today will do the same ? Think about it. History tends to repeat itself. There is no cure for it. If the fickle finger of fate happens to let you be involve in this repeatance, you can't do a single thing about it. So, why bother I would ask sometimes. Knowing is one thing, but trying to avoid it is another. Man are man, and shall man err once again.
" What about the end ? The Nostrodamus prophecy ? The Judgement Day ? ". The end is also a very controversial topic in today's world. But again, I don't want to express my opinions on them as it can take days to discuss about it. But what I can say, I only appreciate life NOW. What is past is past, and what the future have to offer, I'm eager to wait and see. All in all, I guess what matters most is now. The past is done and all gone, no point looking back, the future is yet to come, so many uncertainties, no point planning so much. So just sit back, enjoy, and relax with what life has to offer. Don't restrict yourself and enjoy life !!
A note from The Life of A Normal Guy, be free, don't restrict and be happy. Coz there is no greater happiness in life than knowing that your are ;)

What is life without death ? And what is death without life ? For every life lost, they is always a new life born. When the dead is sent away, a new baby is born and delivered on that very day as well. I read lots of books and also articles about life and death. Ever since I was a kid, I was always curious to what life have to offer, and why death is imminent to all. I always wondered what is the purpose of life as we will die one day. My mother as a dedicated buddisht told me the words of the buddha about life and death. What I knew didn't aligned much with what it was said or preached to me. I had a new mentality, a new idea. I had a new vision and perspective towards life.
People of all walks of life comes and knocks on my question door of life. " Benson, how do you see life ? ". A word I can represent life, "Beautiful". Life has been and always beautiful. The interesting part about life is not what it is all about, but more the experience to go through about. In buddhism, the aim in life for those who believe in them are usually trying to reach enllightenment or nirvana, where they will reach a stage where they will not feel anything. No remorse, no pain, no happiness, just absolute nothingness. I feel sorry for those who want to go through that kind of life. To me, experiencing pain, love, happiness, sorrow, is all about life. Without it, there is no meaning to life. How can one know happiness when one has not taste sadness. And life gives all of that. A package to feel all. To know and differentiate everything. When you start to know, you will enjoy life overall.
And as I continue on, some would ask me, what about death. " Aren't you afraid of death ?" some might ask. To me, death is nothing more than a transition of consciousness from one being to another. The physical body will die, but the spirit and soul inside me will always remain forever. I admit, I too am afraid of death, but not because I'm afraid of dying, but afraid of not be able to see anymore what the world has to offer in terms of experience. There is so much to life. Don't be confined to only certain things in life, be more active, get out and experience it. The love, the joy, the happiness, the good and also the bad of all things in life. Thus only then we will learn. To learn what is right and wrong in our context of understanding towards the meaning of life. Some of my friends found meanings through God. Some found the meaning through families. Some even through their work. All are satisfied, all are convinced that there is more to life than there it is to expect. For me, I'm the architect who likes to observe how life goes. A true meaning of life for me is to understand how life works. How the mind takes place in decisions. How emotions changes things. How believe becomes the foundation of all man. And I continue on pursuing these knowledge by living it day by day. No regrets, no thinking twice. As I know who I am and what I need to do. We can never know everything in one lifetime, as a wise person will not say he the wise and perfect, yet would declare himself still as a student of life.I wish to be that student. Wise I do not declare myself to be, but determined to know I can say I am.
Heaven And Hell

Then words of angels and devils would later fall upon me. Thus people would ask, " Aren't you afraid of going to hell ?". As I looked into their eyes, I tell them, " Thy shall I be thrown to hell becoz of my actions, so do so, as I believe only Satan would do such. But believing, I, in a loving God, he will always love and forgive, as it is said, to err is human, to forgive is divine. And if God is seated at the highest level of divinity, HE shall forgive and bring me to heaven as well." Well hypotethically speaking of course. The words and experession I used above may sound harsh, thus unagreeable to some, but the context to the meaning is completely different. To me, heaven and hell is right here, right now. As humans, we are meant to experience. Heaven and Hell is located right here where the world stands and exists. It is hidden in another dimension called the fourth dimension. Now, where is this 4th dimension some might ask? Some might start thinking of like sci-fiction stuff where we can warp into another dimension and stuff, but no. The fourth dimension I'm talking about exist from within us. Ask yourself, when is your most happiest moment in life ? The day of your graduation ? The baptism of yourself ? The day you met you BF/GF ? The moment you got your first job ? Well, which of this at it may be, remember that feeling. As when you were experiencing that feeling, you are in heaven already. This happiness at that particular moment cannot be replaced by any other feeling in the world at that particular time. Think about it. And when is hell you might ask ? Well, everyone should be clear on this. As it will be your saddest moment in life, where you feel like dying and just felt like the world is never with you. At your most down moment, your in hell. Coz I personally think that psychological or mental torture is even worst than any physical torture the world can offer.
To those born in worlds of wars and guns, a lot would see their life as living hell. Compared to some people who are born with the golden spoon in their mouth from the beginning of time, their lifes are just as in heaven. So think about it, heaven and hell is here. Right here on earth. But you see, how you put yourself in heaven and hell all depends on how u take life. If you appreciate life and enjoy every waking moment of it, then your days of heaven is always there for you to count. If you are pessismistic about life, then life is always a hell for you. Don't this explain the meaning of heaven and hell :) I hope it does, nevertheless, not everyone can graps this concept as it clearly doesn't alligned with any believe out there in the world. New age some might say ? Well frankly speaking, I have thought about all this before the new age subject came out to my sense of knowledge.
The Beginning and The End

The beginning of all. The birth of life. Some believe in Darwins' theory. Some believe in Adam and Eve. Some believe in ALIENS even !! Well, to me, I dont' find any worth knowing. I have lots of idea on the begining and i can tell u a whole night stories about them, but it doesn't really matter. Coz to me, what is important is now. I don't have keen interest in history, and frankly speaking, i suck at it !. I can never comprehend how learning from the dead can ever be a lesson in school. Historians and also school teachers would tell you to always learn from the past. When my history teacher was talking about the hitler's army wave of invasion. She would tell us not to learn from Hitler. I did tell my teacher once, and said, " If I were Adolf Hitler now, I would have done the same, thus leading my name to history." Now ask yourself, if you were adolf hitler would you have done the same ? Or any politican today will do the same ? Think about it. History tends to repeat itself. There is no cure for it. If the fickle finger of fate happens to let you be involve in this repeatance, you can't do a single thing about it. So, why bother I would ask sometimes. Knowing is one thing, but trying to avoid it is another. Man are man, and shall man err once again.
" What about the end ? The Nostrodamus prophecy ? The Judgement Day ? ". The end is also a very controversial topic in today's world. But again, I don't want to express my opinions on them as it can take days to discuss about it. But what I can say, I only appreciate life NOW. What is past is past, and what the future have to offer, I'm eager to wait and see. All in all, I guess what matters most is now. The past is done and all gone, no point looking back, the future is yet to come, so many uncertainties, no point planning so much. So just sit back, enjoy, and relax with what life has to offer. Don't restrict yourself and enjoy life !!
A note from The Life of A Normal Guy, be free, don't restrict and be happy. Coz there is no greater happiness in life than knowing that your are ;)