Do you Believe ?

What do you believe ?
Do you believe in miracles ? Do you believe in God ? Do you believe in the ones you love ?
When you are lost, or in need, who do you beleive in ?
A lot of ppl just like me, have a tendency to give up "believes" in a lot of things. Reality has really shown us its true colour of survival and the ugliness in life. Not everything in life is as pretty as it may seem. Everything is just a beautiful cover of what is really much uglier behind those covers. But what can we do about it ? We can't, we only have to continue living in this society of parade.
In younger days, a lot of us were believers and also dreamers. But as one by one grows up, the innocence of a person is no more, and they will start to lose their believe. As time goes by, we get dissapointed even more by those who we believe and trust.
For me, I have given up in believing in lots of things. As a child, I came to believe in lots of stuff. I believed in the magic of miracles. I believe in the goodness in people. I believe in the purity of love. I believe in the beauty of the world. But, reality can sometimes be devastating to a child. And now, as I grow up, I start to lose believe in lots of things. But one thing I shall never lose believe in, is believing in myself. I still believe the world is still a beautiful place, as in I believe myself it is. And it is. I still believe that love can be pure, and as I believe in it myself, I still believe it. I believe there is still goodness in people, as in I believe it in myself.
Confused ? Well, lets put it this way, externally, I don't believe in lots of things, but believing in myself is something I have faith in. And invested in me, i believe in myself. Myself who believe dreams can come true. Myself who believes everything is possible, and myself who believes the boundless possibilities of everything. Thus, I believe in myself.
There were times, i really loss faith and believe in myself. But I came through. Yesterday, I watched a movie called the Polar Express. I was really touched in its meaningful story. Believing is an important part in life. Believing in something is a crucial thing. It is the foundation of everything. And by believing in something, you would have everything you need. Believe in what you feel inside, and your dreams will give you the wings to fly. It doesn't matter whether you believe in God. It doesn't matter if you believe in life. It doesn't matter if you believe in someone you love. Most importantly believe in what you yourself really believe in. And thus you will see a much beautiful world then expected.
Believe, my friends. Its something you can do anytime, anywhere. Dont lose your believe in the those you love. Don't lose your believe in God. And never ever lose believe in yourself. Move forward, and just believe ~

A message from Life of A Normal Guy to all those believer out there. Continue to beleive, and your dreams will grant you wings.